Madrid Games Week 2019: marketing for indie devs

Madrid Games Week 2019: marketing for indie devs

Last week we attended Madrid Games Week ‘19, the biggest videogame trade show in Spain. We were invited by AEVI, the main videogame company association, to give a talk about business, marketing and sales in videogames in the Developer Forum.

The dangers of Steam algorithms

The dangers of Steam algorithms

If you have been following the indie game scene during the last couple of weeks, you’ll probably have heard about the “Steam algorithm” changes.

70/30 was not an unbreakable limit

70/30 was not an unbreakable limit

Epic Games Store has arrived to change the PC store rules. When a game is published through a storefront, game creator must share a part of its earnings with the storefront operator. For years, content creators have been used to a 70%/30% revenue split in all major storefronts (Apple, Sony,...